The rise of spontech in the motorsports industry
$46B – Projected spend by brands on sports sponsorship in 2018 37% – Percentage of sponsors who have a standardized process of measuring sponsorship More than $46B is expected to be spent this year by brands on sports sponsorship, but 63% of sponsors DO...
The Hookit Marketability Score explained
It was created first by ranking the top 250 athletes in the world who drove most engagement on promoted posts, and then by combining those names with a preliminary list of athletes that have strong marketing potential over the coming three years. Promoted posts are...
Motorsports: On the verge of REINVENTION
Social media is one of the major disruptors in every sport today. It has changed the way fans interact with their favorite sport entities – be it a brand or athlete or rights holder. The impact of social media has also been keenly felt in motorsports, one of the...
Motorsports today: Where are the fans and how to engage them for sponsorship ROI
Entities across all categories of motorsports agree on one thing — motorsports as we know it is experiencing a major disruption. Newer technologies, change in audience habits and interests, and drop in traditional viewership are some factors that have pushed...