Measure & Monitor
Track performance against standardized sponsorship KPIs

Compare performance within your portfolio, against potential partners and competitor rosters

Insights in the platform help you take action to improve value and sponsorship ROI

Activate More Intelligently
Use audience, persona, and content analysis to pick the right partners for each initiative
Roster Report
Every sponsored entity in one list. All looking at the same metrics, including:
- Followers
- Total Engagement
- Posts Promoting Your Brand
- Promotional Effectiveness
- Value Generated For Your Brand
This is the easiest way to see which entities are performing and which are lagging. Sort by any date range to know how performance has changed over time.

Promotional Effectiveness Score Analysis
Compare all your sponsorship portfolio’s performance.
The Promotion Effectiveness score is a composite score out of 100, made up of 5 normalized sub-scores that look at posting habits, content creation, and fan/follower engagement on branded content. Learn more about the PE Score here.
Audience Analysis
Standard: Age, gender,
Advanced: Age, gender, location, ethnicity, language, device usage, HHI, interests, top mentions, top hashtags, sentiment
Use this data to match existing partners with upcoming campaigns and product launches.

Content Analysis
The best performing posts from your every sponsored entity in one view. No more screenshots or social profile scrolling. With each post, you’ll see:
- Who Posted It
- Platform
- Value For Your Brand
- Promotion Quality
- Total Engagement
Filter posts for a specific team, event, influencer or league, by promotion type, content type, or social platform. You can also to search by hashtag or keyword to track value for a specific brand campaign.
Share of Voice
Ever wonder how your brand stands out in a sea of sponsorships? Now you can know how much each partner is promoting your brand compared to other brands.

What’s New
THE STATE OF SPORTS MARKETING ON SOCIAL MEDIA The goal of Hookit’s 2021 Sponsorship Year In Review is to provide a benchmark for brands and properties in sports to understand how they measure up on social media, where sponsorship value comes from, and how it is being...
VIDEO: F1 Sponsorship & Social Media Season Recap
Key Takeaways from 2021 & Lessons for 2022 Watch Roger Breum, Hookit’s Head of Marketing & Sponsorship Insights, walk you through the social media reach & growth of the series over the past season, the sponsorship impact for brands and which brands saw the...
Measure Your Sponsorship Amplification with Earned Media Analysis
Sponsorship is a unique form of marketing. Unlike advertisements, sponsorships leverage an individual or organization and all of the attention they garner. Athletes, teams, and leagues drive exposure and value for a brand via their owned social channels, but they also...
Trusted by leading brands across industries
We work with brands and rights holders across all major sports and esports: