Explore 250k+ properties and influencers by type, sport, audience, or social and sponsorship performance

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Get access to deeper data & download scorecards for watched properties you’re thinking of partnering with

Estimate Potential Value
Before you ever spend a dime, predict your ROI based on that entity’s engagement & promotional effectiveness

Benchmark Your Portfolio
Compare these watched properties to your current portfolio to fill gaps and improve sponsorship performance.
Compare athletes, teams, leagues, events, and venues against each other. Add them to watchlists so you can track their performance over time. Benchmark their social growth, see their audience, sponsorship performance, top performing posts, and what they’re talking about.
The scorecard shows overall performance on social media from an entity including most used hashtags, which platforms they are strong in, and likely partners. Designed to give you quick insight into any property or influencer, a scorecard is great for competitive benchmarking as well as identifying new potential investments.

Useful for watching larger groups of properties that aren’t easy to filter together. Group your tracked entities however makes sense to you, including sport:
- Sport
- Geo
- Upcoming event / tournament (think Olympics / World Cup / etc…)
- Current brand association
- and more…
The possibilities are as endless as your ideas. Entities can be added to multiple tags so tag away.
Sponsorship Predictions
Not sure if a property or influencer you want on your roster already has brand partners in your space? The Sponsorship Prediction tool can determine the likelihood of partnership between that property and other brands. Without giving it all away, this is based on how often that property or influencer is mentioning brands and if they are mentioned them as well. Don’t trust us, trust the machines – they can read a lot more social posts than we ever will.

What’s New
THE STATE OF SPORTS MARKETING ON SOCIAL MEDIA The goal of Hookit’s 2021 Sponsorship Year In Review is to provide a benchmark for brands and properties in sports to understand how they measure up on social media, where sponsorship value comes from, and how it is being...
VIDEO: F1 Sponsorship & Social Media Season Recap
Key Takeaways from 2021 & Lessons for 2022 Watch Roger Breum, Hookit’s Head of Marketing & Sponsorship Insights, walk you through the social media reach & growth of the series over the past season, the sponsorship impact for brands and which brands saw the...
Measure Your Sponsorship Amplification with Earned Media Analysis
Sponsorship is a unique form of marketing. Unlike advertisements, sponsorships leverage an individual or organization and all of the attention they garner. Athletes, teams, and leagues drive exposure and value for a brand via their owned social channels, but they also...
Trusted by leading brands across industries
We work with brands and rights holders across all major sports and esports: