Promotional Effectiveness Score

Compare which sponsored entities promote your brand the best

What is the Promotional Effectiveness Score?

Hookit has developed the Promotional Effectiveness (PE) score for brand marketers to compare their properties and benchmark against other brands. The score looks at how effective a sports property is at promoting its sponsor, regardless of its follower count.

The Promotional Effectiveness score is a composite score out of 100 calculated by benchmarking an entity against the rest of sports, which Hookit tracks through its proprietary Sport Graph. It is composed of 5 normalized sub-scores that evaluate posting habits, content creation, and fan/follower engagement on branded content.



Interactions and views on branded posts vs non-branded posts


Number of branded posts vs non-branded


Promotion quality score based on Hookit Valuation Model factors


Number of brands mentioned in promoted posts


How regularly is branded content posted

How Brands Use the PE Score

Revealing how effective of a promoter an entity is, the PE score allows brands to compare different entities’ promoting skills to know which influencers and sports properties are good investments and which are not likely to return high value for the brand through social and digital promotion. Additionally, the score shows a brand where their sponsored entities can improve.

For example, in the comparison above in blue, the sponsored entities could improve their Promotional Effectiveness score they had higher quality promotions. To do this, they would need clearer brand logos in their posts as well as proper mentions of @brand or branded #hashtags. 

While the Promotional Effectiveness score is an excellent indicator of which properties are the best partners for a brand, there are other factors that need to be considered in combination with the score. For one, the PE score does not consider the number of followers than an entity has. If two properties have similar PE scores, a brand would be better served to partner with the one with the larger follower size as that will generate a larger impact for the brand. Similarly, the demographics and audience make up of that following need to be considered. A property could be an excellent promoter, but not have the target audience that the brand wants to reach. If this is the case, the brand would be better served to find another property to partner with, even if they have a slightly lower PE score.

Click Links Below to Learn More About:

How it Works || Spontech || Sport Graph || Hookit Valuation Model


Hookit’s data and reporting has become an integral piece of our social incentive program, allowing us to measure the impact our ambassadors are having on our brand.

Corey Flynn,Global Ambassador Marketing Manager, Skullcandy

“Hookit has more than paid for itself, providing several key insights that have helped inform our Global Sports Marketing strategy.”

Ray Hilvert, VP Sports Marketing, New Balance

“Even if I had $1 million to spend, I would still have to make choices about where to put it. Having this type of data at this level really helps to make those decisions.”

Carrie Woodward, Global Partnerships Dir., Michelin

“Vans uses Hookit to capture the true value of how social works for each of our athletes and events. For the first time, Vans can measure and prove ROI on our events and athletes on social media.”

Bobby Gascon, Dir. Global Marketing / Action Sports, Vans

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