You probably noticed that we updated the Navigation and Dashboard recently. If not… you should be signing in more often. Anyway, here’s what we did…
We moved some things around so that we could get a thinner nav bar and fit more of the important stuff on the screen for you. The biggest change: click on your Headshot/Name on the right side and you’ll go to your Profile. Roll over it and you get all of the most important things in your account – profile, spots, sessions, photos & videos, edit profile and more… all the stuff about YOU. We also moved the Brand and Member search under "BROWSE". We’ll be adding more stuff like Photos, Videos and News later on.
This was just some simplificaiton. You now have all of your stats on the top right and a clearner activity feed controls. We’re making room for the Crew feature which we’re about to launch soon.
– The Hookit Crew